Saturday, April 2, 2011

Terima kasih :D

Aaaaaaaa makasih banyak buat Andre dan Riva yang minggu ini udah ngasih gue coklat cadbury. Seneeeenggg bangeeeett rasanya. Kaget banget tiba-tiba dikasih coklat yang sebenernya gue sendiri ga tau alesan pastinya mereka ngasih gue coklat karena apa. Kalo dari andre karena gue sempet mainin 4sqnya tapi gue rasa sebenernya itu berlebihan. Tapi ngomong-ngomong makasih banget. Jadi semangat mainin lagi supaya dapet banyak coklat lagi hehe (canda deng).

Sekali lagi thaaaaaannnkkkk youuuu sooo muuucccchhhh va, ndre <3

Saturday, March 26, 2011


There are two kinds of happiness...

One kind of happiness you only know after the moment has passed, and the other is a happiness you feel in the moment. That happiness you feel in the moment is so precious. That they say that the memories of this kinda of happiness. Can stay with you and enlighten you life. Maybe we can turn today into the kind of happiness you feel in the moment. So that we can remember this happiness for the rest of our life - Dream High

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's already the last day of January.. Say goodbye to the first month of 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Baru ngeposting lagi

Heeeellloooooooooo 2011.....

Udah lama banget ga buka-buka ni blog. Saking kepincut sama tumblr yang doyan reblog2 aja. hahaha. Besok-besok gue akan coba lebih ngejenguk nih blog. Dari dulu mau ganti template tapi pas diliat-liat pengunjungnya udah dari berbagai negara ya. Jadi sayang. hehehe. sok okeh banget deh. Padahal blognya cuma gitu-gitu aja ga sebagus orang-orang lain.

Cukup sekian dan terima kasih : )